An issue is discovered.
Someone becomes aware of an illegal or improper act within the company.
Drawing inspiration from her, we have created TARGATIS, a communication channel to protect our business against illegal or unethical conduct. TARGATIS is there for any employee, supplier or customer who wishes to report an incident with sufficient protection and anonymity.
As lawyers, their duty of professional secrecy is an additional guarantee of protection and complete confidentiality.
It fulfils a legal requirement for the business to avoid criminal liability.
It provides the business with an external channel, in line with the State Prosecutor’s Office’s recommendations.
Complete confidentiality and complainant anonymity are guaranteed, thanks to the team of lawyers behind the channel.
In light of the 2010 reform to the Spanish Criminal Code, businesses can be held criminally liable. To avoid this, businesses must prove that they have a crime prevention system that meets the legal requirements established.
Indeed, one of said requirements is having a complaints system to report any risks and non-compliance to the business.
As well as mitigating criminal risk, this system can be an instrument for people to raise complaints within the workplace anti-harassment framework.
Furthermore, Directive (EU) 2019/1937 regulates business’ internal complaints systems, making them mandatory for both public- and private-sector businesses with over 50 employees.
Someone becomes aware of an illegal or improper act within the company.
They can inform Targatis through the following secure channels:
1) Email
2) Telephone
3) Post
4) QR codes displayed on company premises
5) Tools and links on the company intranet
6) Website:
Waterwhale receives the complaint and contact the complainant. If it is not an anonymised report, they guarantee confidentiality, and anonymity where appropriate.
After conducting a legal assessment, Waterwhale prepares a legal report which they send to the company with a proposal for action to investigate and manage the complaint.
Awareness of complaint system in 2019In 2019, only 13% of our clients’ employees were aware of the complaints system.
Awareness of Targatis complaints system in 2021After the implementation of Targatis and its communication plan, 78% of our clients’ employees were aware of the system in 2021.